Honorary sponsor: Marjan Šarec, Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia
We kindly invite you to the 14th IRDO International Scientific & Bussines Conference 2019 in Maribor, Slovenia on 20 – 21 June 2019. By sharing their experiences, either theoretical or practical in nature, the participants will try to find the right path to introduce socially responsible behaviour into business organisations and, the most important, people. That is why we kindly invite you to share your insights with other authors and discussants, including scientific & other researchers, top consultants, other experts and experienced practitioners, with joining this conference.
- Theoretical aspects of Social, Personal and Corporate SR
- CSR applications
- Measurement tools and schemes for CSR
- Education, youth and social responsibility
- WOSC meeting
University of Maribor, Rector’s office
Slomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, EU
FURTHER INFORMATION: www.irdo.si, e-mail: info@irdo.si
Official language: English
Please take a look at the 14th IRDO International Scientific – Business Conference here!
Thus, much information we will collect at one spot to apply them in research and practice – therefore you should not miss this conference! Share your ideas, dilemmas, and views with speakers and other participants. The number of participants is limited. Please send us your registration form ASAP on e-mail: info@irdo.si.
DON’T FORGET: 20-21 June 2019 – Conference event, please, be there!
At the same time in Maribor will happened the biggest festival with lot of music called Lent Festival 2019 with more then 2 decades of tradition: https://www.festival-lent.si/en/ . From June 20th to June 29th 2019 at over 40 locations across Maribor. We suggest you to stay with us for more days and enjoy Drava River and music stages nearby… And of course our business-scientific conference on CSR topic too!
Please inform your members, colleagues about our conference and come to Maribor, Slovenia.
Looking forward to enjoy your company at the 14th IRDO conference in Maribor, Slovenia!