Get the Head for Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development IRDO International Certificate and strategically introduce social responsibility and sustainable development into your organization.

Managers, professionals – upgrade your knowledge of Social Responsibility and Sustainability now!

We invite you kindly to gain a structured insight into the field of social responsibility and sustainable development in order to more easily introduce this area into your organization.

Obtain the IRDO Certificate Head of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.

Since 2016, more than 350 managers, professionals and others have already obtained it. See who already has it in Slovenia and abroad and join them! 

Sustainable development and social responsibility have become the main focus of the world’s governments, businesses and organisations. Stay tuned.

We invite you to attend three ONLINE seminars and workshops entitled Managing Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of the Company and take the exam and thus obtain a certificate at the 1st level of IRDO training!

Current dates in year 2024 – ONLINE EXECUTION only: 

YEAR 2024 DATE CET TIME (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
  • 10, 14, 21 and 28 October 2024
  • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
  • 2, 5, 9 and 16 December 2024
  • 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.


Why social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development (SD)?

CSR brings a competitive advantage and means that companies need to be aware of their impacts on the community and the environment and report on them, not only through economic, but also environmental and social indicators. As of 2017, large companies in the EU, including Slovenia, are required to report on non-financial aspects of their operations in their annual reports.

Corporate social responsibility is a tool for achieving sustainable development in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were already set out by the United Nations in 2015 in its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In 2011, the European Commission adopted a renewed CSR strategy, which has been further upgraded since March 2019 with many new work activities, directives, also in the field of sustainability.

More: and

This strategy stresses the importance of raising the profile of CSR and disseminating good practices by integrating CSR into education, training and research. The strategy also improves self-regulation and co-regulation processes and the disclosure of companies’ social and environmental information. As of 2021, the EU has adopted a number of innovations that must already be taken into account in the operations of both companies and other organisations. In 2024, the mandatory ESRS – European standards for sustainable reporting of companies (especially large ones…) – also came into force.

Therefore, we invite you to further educate yourself in this area with the knowledge to effectively manage sustainable development and social responsibility in small, medium-sized and large companies and organizations. By joining the program of three seminars & awarding seminar, you will gain a number of competencies and a certificate.

Benefits of CSR and SD for a company, organization:
  • Better possibilities to gain new business opportunities on EU and international markets
  • Increased reputation and profit of the company, organization
  • Greater productivity and innovation of employees, less absenteeism and turnover
  • Easier acquisition of new staff, new business partnerships, deals
  • Better cooperation with the local community, suppliers
  • Increased reputation of the company in the community, mutual cooperation with the community
  • Multimedia publications, better visibility of the company …

Who should attend the training?

We invite in particular:

  • Directors and heads of departments of companies of all sizes who want to implement a CSR and SD strategy in their business and/or establish a CSR manager or coordinator in the company (as Chief Sustainability Officer),
  • CSR coordinators and professional staff in large companies who want to upgrade their knowledge and align it with current innovations and new legislation, and prepare for mandatory reporting on non-financial business indicators this year (ESRS standards – obligation in EU for large companies already from 2024…).
  • Everyone, including young people, who want to obtain the Certificate Head of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (hereinafter referred to as the HSRSD Certificate) and thus improve their competencies for an existing or future job.
By enrolling, you will:
  • become a successful leader for sustainable development and social responsibility in your company;
  • receive the E-ABC manual on SD and SR;
  • receive the IRDO Certificate Head of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development of the company / organisation.
Process of work:

Duration: 3 on-line seminars (3 x 2 hours duration) with workshops according to the schedule + awarding of certificates

Location: World Wide Web (online version), using Zoom

Methods: lectures, workshops, presentations of good practices

Lecturers: Anita Hrast, MSc., Director of IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Prof. Emeritus Matjaž Mulej, PhD, PhD, President of the Expert and Research Council of the IRDO Institute, Miro Mihec, Expert Associate of the IRDO Institute, and Horus Awardees and Other Experts

The number of participants is limited to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 20 participants. In case of insufficient number of applications, the organizers reserve the right to cancel the seminar on a certain date.

Program of seminars for obtaining the IRDO Certificate:
ABC on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Understanding the basics of CSR and CSR – the emergence and development of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, key topics and current documents of the EU and Slovenia on CSR. Management and integration of sustainable development and social responsibility in the organization – how to achieve the policy and strategy of SD and CSR in the organization, stakeholder involvement, economic, environmental and social aspects of SD and CSR planning in the company and business. Basic ESG concepts and other specifics.
Personal and social responsibility and sustainable development What is personal and social responsibility, why is social responsibility the fundamental challenge of our time,  the connection between values and concepts, the influence of parents on children, what is best for me and what is best for the world…
Key areas of corporate social responsibility Fair business practices, value chains and impact on suppliers, and how informed consumers can become your allies. Human rights in entrepreneurship and encouraging work practices so that employees create more and are happier. Circular economy, environmental protection and active cooperation with the community to increase the reputation and success of the company. Networking for several SD and SR entities in Slovenia and in the world.
Strategic planning and reporting on corporate social responsibility, good practices Strategic planning and reporting on SR and SD, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive for large companies (reporting obligation from 2017 and renewal – CSRD (ESRS)… in 2024). Good practices of Slovenian and foreign companies in the field of CSR. Standards, certificates and other tools in the field of SR (ISO26000, GRI, ESRS…). How to strengthen the company’s brands and reputation through them, measuring the social effects of SR. Communication and reporting on corporate social responsibility, content for the annual SR & SD report.

Introduction and reporting on social responsibility:

  • Levers of the European Commission to promote sustainable reporting and conduct (Article 70c of the CDC, Non-Financial Disclosure Directive)
  • 5 tips on how to implement sustainable management in the company
  • How can we expand and promote a “sustainable culture” to grow?
  • The double materiality matrix – the backbone of any good sustainable development strategy
  • ESG, ESRS and GRI reporting frameworks
  • Other things that companies need to successfully perform on the market in a socially responsible way
Final activities for obtaining the certificate  

Exam in electronic form + awarding of certificates at the final, 4th meeting of the entire group of participants in the selected term

The organizers reserve the right to change the dates and program of education.

To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to participate in at least two ONLINE seminars, perform practical tasks and additionally take a written exam (electronically) at the end of education.

Competencies you will acquire:
  • How to strengthen your own sovereignty and well-being so that you can more successfully assume your share of personal and social responsibility.
  • How to prepare a SD and (C)SR policy and strategy in your company.
  • How to prepare a report on SD & SR activities in your company, including non-financial indicators in accordance with current legislation and the latest standards (ESRS, GRI…).
  • How to cooperate with various stakeholders and involve them in your company’s SD & SR activities.
  • SD & SR networks and good practices of successful companies in the field of SR.
  • Current legislation, documents and standards, guidelines of the EU and Slovenia in the field of SD and SR.
Price per participant:
Price per participant: ONLINE PERFORMANCE
Price per participant EUR 370.00
Price for IRDO members EUR 296.00

Applications and information: IRDO Institute,, +386 (0)31 344 883. You are kindly invited!


Check out the training presentation brochure, 2024 dates, and sign up for training:

Fill out the application form and send it to us as soon as possible at Thank you!

Have your name on our certificate soon. We look forward to working with you!


Do you want to know which companies and organizations already have employees with our certificate in Slovenia and abroad?

  •  A1 Slovenija, d. d.
  • ABRASIV MUTA d.o.o.
  • Advantage Austria
  • IBM Slovenija, d.o.o.
  • Insights d.o.o.
  • JZ Cene Štupar – Center za izobraževanje Ljubljana
  • Lidl Slovenija d.o.o., k.o.,
  • Life Learning Academia d.o.o.
  • Mariborska razvojna agencija
  • Mariborski vodovod, javno podjetje, d.d.
  • Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Sektor za človekove pravice
  • Nova KBM d.d.
  • Policijska uprava Maribor
  • Pošta Slovenije d. o. o.
  • Preporod – Marjan Videnšek, s.p.
  • Pristop d.o.o.
  • PROHIT d.o.o.
  • Regionalna razvojna agencija Ljubljanske urbane regije
  • Saubermacher – Komunala Murska Sobota d.o.o.
  • TAKTIKA AKTIV, Management dogodkov – družba za organizacijo dogodkov d.o.o.
  • Tenovis d.o.o.
  • Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje, Centralna služba
  • Zdravstveni dom Izola
  • Zdravstveni dom Radeče
  • Združenje Manager
  • And many others, as you can see in the attachment.
  • Maybe your company/organization name will be here too?
YOU can  UPGRADE your knowledge additionally:

OBTAIN THE SD&SR IRDO CERTIFICATE on level 2  (Certificate SD & SR Strategist Certificate and become Chief Sustainability Officer) or 3 (ESRS Expert for Sustainability Reporting)

After completing the training for the Manager of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, you can upgrade your knowledge at the second level by obtaining the SD & SR Strategist certificate or on 3rd level (ESRS Expert for Sustainability Reporting). You can find out more at this link:

The number of participants is limited, so register as soon as possible!


If you need individual training, consulting in the field of social responsibility or internal training of your employees, please let us know at the e-mail address

We will prepare an individual offer specifically for your needs in this area.
We look forward to working with you and welcome you!

Additional information:

IRDO – Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility
(IRDO – Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti)
Cesta 13. julija 65 A, SI-1261 Ljubljana – Dobrunje, Slovenia, EU
E: | T: +386 (0)31 344 883 | W:,,